Another Transfer, Another Companion!

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Sticking around in Primavera another change, yay!!

My new comp is Hermana Pinto, she is from Lima. We have done divisions a few times with her, and she is from hermana Cejas group in the mission so I already know her! Reallyyyy excited for this change. :) And we are still hermana leaders so it will be fun to keep working with all the sisters!

 Bruno got baptized yay!!!! When we went to visit him this week before his baptism he told us something super cool. So he was reading the beginning of the Book of Mormon and something hit him hard when he was reading about the dreams and visions of prophets. It hit him that back in September, he had a dream. In this dream, he was super sick in bed and there were 5 people visiting him. 3 girls, a boy, and a man all dressed in white. These people were teaching him. This week, he realized that this dream had US in it. When we went to visit him a couple weeks ago, we went with Jean Carlos and his wife, Damissu to give him the blessing. He was sick in bed, and we were all sitting in the same positions that he saw in his dream, teaching him. He explained to us that he was certain it was us in this dream, and maybe you can all decide who the man in white was.. Really cool. I know that God has been preparing him for a while now to make this decision and recieve the gospel in his life. God's plan is perfect and I know that everything happens for a reason. Bruno's baptism was so special and he was glowing, so happy.

Go make it a big week! Fav quote of the week: The JOY we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives. Pres. Nelson

Hermana Wood

D&C 6:37

Pics: Hermana Liza getting a few surprises in her last few days, paty and Is pet, and we love it when paty and valentina visit with us, and I will miss hermana Liza and her quote wall

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