Raul Part II

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Happy Monday! I hope you are all as pumped as we are for conference this week.. Go soak up every minute of it! We are so blessed to have a prophet here on earth guiding us. Don't miss a minute of any of his words this weekend. :)

So the lastest from Primavera.. Do you remember Raul? We knocked his door and turned out he is an inactive member who was branch president, mission leader, and all that in Chile? Yeah, well after we met him and his family they passed through some big challenges. Their house got robbed, tvs, jewelry, clothes, even some couches, almost everything. Lots of work problems too. His wife, Frida, is from Piura so this past month they have been up north visiting her family and getting away from the mess for a little bit. But now they are back and yesterday Raul came to church for the first time in 6 years!

Not only that, but it was fast and testimony meeting and he bore his testimony! He started out thanking US for knocking his door. Crying, he told how he wasted 6 years of his life without the gospel. He testified of our Living Savior who paid the price for each and every one of us. Testified of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. Of the huge difference in his life WITH the gospel. Of his gratitude for repentance. And his willigness to never step away from the church ever again. It practically had me in tears ha. A huge testimony that it is never too late to change or repent. Our Savior is always there with his arms open to us. Never, never too late! 

Other happy news: Yusara has a date to get married!!! In April, and her baptism will be the week after her wedding!!! yay. Also Vanina-the Roque fams oldest daughter (from the kitchen when it blew up, that story..) finally has a baptism date yay! For the 15th of April.

Brayan keeps progressing and is already a friend of everyone at church.

We have been reading the Book of Mormon together as a mission and this week we are finishing it all together. I just want to testify again that the book is true! It is powerful and changes lives. Everytime I read it I get something new out of it. God loves us so so much that we have his words in our hands. Take advantage of that and read the book every single day! Something I have realized here in the mission is that when someone pulls away from reading the Book of Mormon, they are pulling away from the church. It's like Lehi's dream, when the people let go of the iron rod, they were walking away from the tree of life. Keep on gripping tightly to the rod! It's so worth it. Love the book with all my heart! 

Have an amazing week, love you all! xo

DyC  27:15-18

Hermana Wood

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