Quick Trip to Arequipa and More Priesthood Power

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Buenas Tardes! Feeling real happy to get on internet today to see a fun little surprise... Baby Gunner!!!! So stoked to meet my cute new nephew in a few months. So happy for you Kaleb and Adria! Also, birthday shoutout to Adria this week, I hope you have an amazing day!

This week was crazy busy but really good. I'm just going to give a few of the highlights because so short on time.

-We had leadership conference in Arequipa and it was powerfullll.

-José passed me the sacrament yesterday in church. :)

-Bruno had an interview with the bishop where they set his goals to receive the melc. priesthood.. he is so excited.

-We met Brayan. (The zone leaders in the area next to us were out contacting in the street last week. Brayan was walking on one side of the street and the elders on the other. As Brayan quotes it "I looked to my left seeing 2 white angels running towards me"-the elders are both gringos ha- and they were able to contact him and passed us the reference after. He is 22 and he is so so receptive. His best friend passed away 2 weeks ago and he has really been looking for God in his life. He loved church yesterday, already fits in real good with the YSA, and has a baptism date for April 7th!)

-My companion is so fun. She is a convert, was baptized 2 years ago, the only member of her family, and she's just the sweetest. Not to mention she makes a real good travel buddy, running buddy, and companion!

-We met Gisella. She is a member who was baptized about 4 years ago but has been inactive these past couple years. Her husband isn't a member, and her oldest son isn't either. They have 3 kids-a 9 year old, 2 year old, and new born. The 2 year, old, Ramsus, has a disease (I dont know what its called in english) where his chest is growing inwards instead of outwards. The poor thing, it makes it so hard for him to breath at times, and he gets tired so easily. He has to go to Lima 3 times a month for his treatments. This week, we took a brother from the ward, Alan, to their house to give Ramsus a blessing. When we showed up to the house Ramsus was throwing a big fit, screaming and all. We tried to help him get all calmed down but he kept crying and crying. The brother that came with us went straight into giving him the blessing and when he put his hands over Ramsus´ head and started to speak.. silence. Ramsus was dead silent. Everyone listened, and it was a really special blessing. When it finished-Ramsus was staring upwards at Brother Alan as if he were an angel or something. and still in silence. The priesthood is SO REAL. Gisella burst into tears, Jimmy her husband even let a few tears fall, and the spirit was undeniable. So so so much power in the priesthood. 

I hope you all have an amazing week! Go find someone to serve, and if you can share the gospel with them-even better:) Love you all so much! xo

Hermana Wood

D&C 18:28

fotos: family night with the bishop's family, when we went to Arequipa for leadership counsel we had an extra 2 hours to spare so I got to visit the Cualquira family in Alto Selva Alegre-my favorites!!, with the other hermana leaders in leadership conference, Service project as a district-and look at what we are holding in the service picture-we found a ton of these dead rats ha

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