Bryan Got Baptized!

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Hiii!!  Hope everyone is doing well!
Well.. Bryan got baptized!! The adversary did everything possible to keep the baptism from happening, but it happened.. and Bryan is a member! For example.. about an hour before the baptism we were filling up the font when boom the power went out. No lights, nothing. Luckily some brothers from the ward helped us find some big emergency flashlights that we hung on the walls which helped a lot. We had to call all the members telling them there would still be a baptism and we were just praying everyone would still come.. but the members are the best and they came! After the second message, right before the ordenance, the power came back and the lights came on! Perfect timing ha. He had to be baptized a few times to keep his whole body under, but yes all turned out well. After, in his testimony, he shared how he literally felt like he was born again, and felt so clean. Super special. :)

Out of time today, but more updates next week. Que tengan una linda semana! xo

Hermana Wood

Matthew 19:14

pics: deep cleaning as a district, district lunch, zone volleyball, & one of the divisions of the week

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