Goin Back to My Roots

Friday, April 27, 2018


President loves throwin' me these curve balls I've realized. Going back to Arequipa to open an area, Las Torres, and train again! SO stoked. I started my mission in Alto Selva Alegre which is the area that borders Las Torres and shares the same church. So I'm super excited to see my favorites from Alto Selva Alegre again!

My companion gets here tomorrow and I still don't know who it will be/where she is from. Feeling so anxious and excited to meet her. All of a sudden things just got real for me as I realized she will be my last companion & this will be my last area. Time to go hard in the paint!

Tonight we have training for the new missionaries that are coming, tomorrow morning they come, and in the afternoon tomorrow we will finally get to our area! Sorry there is no time so I can't respond much, but tomorrow we have a tiny bit of time I believe to write!

Not gonna lie.. it broke my heart leaving Primavera! Realizing that I won't see these converts, investigators, and members for a long time made it a little hard to sleep at night.. But I know this change is what God wants and I am willing to trust in his plan!

Thanks for all the love, support, and prayers. Ustedes son lo máximo. Please keep me in your prayers this week as we are starting in this area from scratch! ha Have an amazing week!

hermana Madera

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