
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

It was a great week here in Arequipa! I officially finished my training, holla! Transfers are today and guess what.. I'm gonna be staying in Alto Selva Alegre WITH Hermana Alais!! We are so stoked. We are the new hermana leaders which scares me a little, but we are excited. 

This week we started teaching the cutest little family. Tiffany and Junior are married with 2 kids, Luana who is 7 and benjamin who is 2. They are so great. When we found Tiffany she told us that she has been looking for God in her life, and we were an answer to her prayers. Junior is a little quieter and laid back, but he is great too. They liked church this week and we are hoping they continue to progress! They could use the extra prayers :) Andres, who is 80, left on a work trip the week after I told you guys about him, and he finally comes back this week! Yay at last hah. Mary and Laura, a mom and her 11 year old daughter are progressing a lot. They have had all of the lessons and have a baptism date, but they still just need to come to church 2 more times. These are a few of the investigators we are focusing on most this week. I will give more updates the next week! It is getting colder here in Arequipa, we are going into winter! Also-this week tried guinea pig for the first time. Ha it is popular here for special occasions, but wasn't a huge fan. Guinea pigs should be pets, not food :)


1 Ne 18:1-3

Hermana Wood

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