Update from Alto Selva Alegre

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Hope everyone had the best week! This week was a good one. Nothing too crazy happened this week, but I am really excited about our investigators right now. Highlights of the week: Paola had her 10th birthday & we were able to celebrate a little with her. Paola really wants to be baptized and loves the church, but the mom, Patricia, isn't super supportive which is tough. Poco a poco! Paola is the cutest. Every time she prays she prays for all the little kids in the world who are suffering from hunger and dangerous circumstances and ah my heart. Shes the sweetest! 

We had a family night with a family in our ward this week who are from Milan, Italy. Ha dad-I asked them if they knew the song about the elephant that you sing to us in Italian and the dad sang the whole song for me! Ha it made me so happy. 

Also I got to see the Dayley family this week from our old ward! President called and said a package was at the mission home for me, and sure enough the Dayley family was there too:) They are traveling through Peru and it was so nice to see them, a little piece of home! On Friday this week we were contacting and it was one of those days that felt like the whole world was catholic and no one wanted to listen. The same morning, Hermana Alais had gotten a call with the news that her first convert in the mission, Ilean who was 20 years old, passed away from cancer. She was having a really hard time. So yeah we were walking and walking and contacting without success so we stopped to say a prayer. After our prayer, literally 5 minutes after our prayer, we knocked a house with a single mom with 2 kids. They listened to us and it was probably one of my favorite lessons-they were so receptive. They came to church yesterday too and we have the next apt with them tomorrow. I know that we have a father in heaven who answers our prayers and loves us so much. He loves us more than we can comprehend and he wants us all back. Each and everyone of us. I am so grateful to be an instrument in the hands of the Lord to teach people how to make it back. The church is true! Love it with all my heart. Have the best week! (can't wait to talk and see your faces over skype so soon!)

Helaman 5:12

Hermana Wood

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