A really happy week :)

Monday, May 29, 2017

Mi familia!

This was such a happy week! Lots of highlights.

1. Mary and Laura are the best. We visit them practically every day and they are so excited for their baptism the 10th. When they are at church you would think they were members because they have friends, they make comments in their classes & ah they are just so ready. They've become some of our best friends :)

2. Junior. We have continued to teach Tiffany and Junior this week and they are definitely progressing. Tiffany is moving a little slower, but Junior.. whoa! Junior is a new person! He received his answer that everything we are teaching is true and he is so excited to be baptized. He read in 2 Nephi 4, the prayer of Nephi, and said that his answer came clear as day. He came to church yesterday and was so proud to tell the other members that his baptism is June 10th. Tiffany still has a few doubts, but this is the week that we are going to resolve all of the doubts:) Oh and their kids Luana and Benjamin are the cutest ever.

3. Leadership conference. We had a conference this week for the hermana leaders and all of the zone leaders in the mission with president. We all talked about how we can strengthen the work in our mission and it really made me so grateful to be a part of this mission. Our mission is super obedient and progressing lots & President Johnson is the greatest!

4. On Friday when we were heading to an appointment, we felt prompted to knock a door that was super out of our way. We met Yolanda. Yolanda is the cutest little grandma. We shared a brief overview of our message and Yolanda started to cry. Her son is really sick in the hospital and they don't think he is going to make it. She said she has been praying and praying for confort in her life, but just feels so alone. She told us we are the answer to her prayers and she knows that God sent us to her in the perfect timing. She left to visit her sister out of town Saturday and comes back the end of this week, but we are going to visit her as soon as she returns. I know it was no coincidence that we knocked her door in this moment. As Hermana Alais says, she is so ready! 

We are seeing miracles here! I am just feeling so grateful to be a missionary. The church is truer than ever and I love it with all my heart. Until next week!


2 Nephi 32:8-9

Hermana Wood

Pics: Luana's picture of us, and fruit of the week

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