
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Hello hello! It was so so good to see all your faces over skype yesterday. Everyone looks so so good! This is "vacationing" time in Arequipa, so this week was a little slower with our investigators, because half of them have been out of town. But for the most part they are progressing and we are seeing big changes with them :) Mother's day is a huge deal here and everyone celebrates lots for this day. We had a talent night at our church Friday night in honor of Mother's Day. For mine and Hermana Alais number we performed one of our raps with some choreography and all. Ha it was so funny. I wish I took more pictures to send. Sorry this email is so short, but we are leaving on an adventure right now for p day! I will write you more next week:) Love you all so much! Stay faithful this week! Go make it a great one!


D&C 78:18

Pics: fav cereal (thanks for the best package!), plaza de armas, francesco gave his cat a makeover, and the little peruvian kids are the cutest ever

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